API Reference

TerraSnow API endpoints

Endpoint Description
/ Sends 200 regardless of content, used for testing
/aws-assume-role-webhook Listens for AWS assume role data, creates the required TFE credential env vars
/gitlab-webhook Listens for tag update events sent from gitlab and creates the associated SN catalog item
/tfe-run-webhook Listens for workflow run events, uploads the source terraform module to the target workspace to trigger a TFE workflow event
/variables-webhook Listens for ServiceNow variables creation requests, sends associated API call to SN to create the variable
/workflow-webhook Listens for TFE workspace creation events, creates an empty workspace

Assume Role

Listens for AWS assume role data, and creates the following TFE workspace environment variables:

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (created with is_senative=True)

Request Syntax

  "data": [
     "region": "us-east-1",
     "org_name": "MyTFEorg",
     "workspace_name": "ws-123456ASDFhjklmn",
     "role": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789123:role/target_role",
     "duration": "900"


  • region (string)[REQUIRED] – Target region for resource creation.
  • org_name (string)[REQUIRED] – Name of the target TFE region
  • workspace_name (string)[REQUIRED] – Id of the target TFE workspace
  • role (string)[REQUIRED] – The target AWS role to assume. This role requires the necessary permissions to deploy the source terraform template in the target account.
  • duration (string)[REQUIRED] – Maps to the DurationSections option in boto3’s assume_role and is subject to the same limitations. Set to 15 minutes by default.


The response contains the TFE api responses for each environment variable that is created within the target TFE workspace.

  "secret_access_key": "TFE VARIABLE CREATION RESPONSE",
  "aws_session_token": "TFE VARIABLE CREATION RESPONSE"


Designed to be triggered on Gitlab tag update events. This endpoint triggers a query against the target ServiceNow instance for a catalog item of the source terraform module. If a ServiceNow catalog item is found and its version is less than the current repo’s version tag a new ServiceNow catalog item will be created and the previous version’s catalog item will be disabled, otherwise no actions are taken.

Request Syntax

Expects the standard gitlab tag update request body


  "Status": "200"

TFE run

This endpoint will query the target workspace for the configuration upload url, git clone the target repo from Gitlab, and upload the resulting zip of your repo to the workspace. Currently workspace creation sets Auto Apply to true so any change in the configuration will trigger a Plan and Apply events.

Request Syntax

   "data" : [
    "project_name": "terraform-aws-lx-instance",
    "repo_url": "git@your_gitlab_instance:gitlab.user/terraform-aws-lx-instance.git",
    "module_version": "vx.y.z",
    "workspace_id": "ws-123456ASDFhjklmn",
    "region": "us-east-1"


  • project_name (string)[REQUIRED] – Name of your terraform module project.
  • repo_url (string)[REQUIRED] – SSH URI to the target gitlab repo containing your terraform module
  • module_version (string)[REQUIRED] – specific version tag of your repo that you want to associate the workspace with.
  • workspace_id (string)[REQUIRED] – target TFE workspace id
  • region (string)[REQUIRED] – target AWS region in which your terraform resources will be deployed.


If successful:

  "Status": "SUCCESS"

In the event of an error TerraSnow will return the response given by the TFE instance against it’s call to PUT https://archivist.terraform.io/v1/object/<UNIQUE OBJECT ID>


Listens for TFE workspace events, creates an empty TFE workspace and backs it with your source repo and version tag

Request Syntax

  "data" :
         "region": "us-east-1",
         "org_name": "your_tfe_org",
         "workspace_name": "your_tfe_workspace_name",
         "repo_id": "gitlab.user/tf_project",
         "repo_version": "x.y.z",
         "action": "CREATE"


  • region (string)[REQUIRED] – target AWS region in which the terraform resources will be deployed
  • org_name (string)[REQUIRED] – the target TFE organization name
  • workspace_name (string)[REQUIRED] – the target TFE workspace name
  • repo_id (string)[REQUIRED] – the id of the source terraform module’s repo
  • repo_version (string)[REQUIRED] – the target version tag of the terraform module’s repo
  • action (string)[REQUIRED] – the desired action on the target workspace, accepts CREATE or DELETE


TerraSnow simply passes back the response to the workspace creation api endpoint from the TFE instance.

From the official TFE workspace api documentation:

  "data": {
    "id": "ws-SihZTyXKfNXUWuUa",
    "type": "workspaces",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "workspace-2",
      "environment": "default",
      "auto-apply": false,
      "locked": false,
      "created-at": "2017-11-02T23:55:16.142Z",
      "working-directory": null,
      "terraform-version": "0.10.8",
      "can-queue-destroy-plan": true,
      "vcs-repo": {
        "identifier": "skierkowski/terraform-test-proj",
        "branch": "",
        "oauth-token-id": "ot-hmAyP66qk2AMVdbJ",
        "ingress-submodules": false
      "permissions": {
        "can-update": true,
        "can-destroy": false,
        "can-queue-destroy": false,
        "can-queue-run": false,
        "can-update-variable": false,
        "can-lock": false,
        "can-read-settings": true
    "relationships": {
      "organization": {
        "data": {
          "id": "my-organization",
          "type": "organizations"
      "ssh-key": {
        "data": null
      "latest-run": {
        "data": null
    "links": {
      "self": "/api/v2/organizations/my-organization/workspaces/workspace-2"