# TerraSnow Enterprise Enables the deployment of AWS resources from ServiceNow via Terraform Enterprise -------------- ## Overview TerraSnow Enterprise is a collection of scripts that enable the deployment of Terraform resources from a ServiceNow instance via Terraform Enterprise. It was designed to simplify cloud resource consumption at the user level and to operate within a multi-tenant AWS environment. This project contains a terraform template to deploy a Ngnix reverse proxied, Flask based endpoint that handles Gitlab [Tag](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html#tag-events) and [Push](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html#push-events) events by creating a ServiceNow Terraform Module Catalog Item. ## Contents .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation.md configuration.md usage.md scripting_host.md api.md sn_catitem.md ## Project Flow Diagrams ### Terraform Module Creation Workflow ![alt text][module_creation_workflow] [module_creation_workflow]: images/Terrasnow_Enterprise_Module_Creation_Workflow_diagram.png "Terrasnow Enterprise module creation workflow diagram" ### ServiceNow Catalog Item Order ![alt text][sn_cat_item_creation] [sn_cat_item_creation]: images/ServiceNow_Catalog_item_order_diagram.png "ServiceNow Catalog Item creation diagram" ### ServiceNow Catalog Item Creation - Detailed ![alt text][sn_cat_item_creation_detailed] [sn_cat_item_creation_detailed]: images/ServiceNow_Catalog_item_creation_detailed_diagram.png "ServiceNow Catalog Item creation - detailed diagram" ## Supported Versions of ServiceNow * Jakarta (tested working)