

The Installation procedures have been completed successfully.


  • Module repositories must meet the same requirements as those outlined for addition to the Terraform Module Private Registry
  • This project was successfully tested against the watchmaker lx-instance module.
  • The source terraform module has a separate and file. Variables not defined in will not be included in the resulting ServiceNow catalog item.

ServiceNow TF catalog item creation

Note: This procedure requires that the TerraSnow installation steps have been completed successfully

  1. Create a Gitlab repo with the terraform-<PROVIDER>-<MODULE_NAME> name format
  2. Add the TerraSnow instance public key to the repo (available at the https://YOUR_TERRASNOW_INSTANCE/pub-key/key.txt) and grant the TerraSnow instance read access to the repo.
  3. Add a version tag to the project before commit that follows the PEP 440 standard (ex: 1.0.2)
  4. Add the TerraSnow instance url as a webhook under Repo > Settings > Integrations
    • Select Tag push events and Enable SSL verification
    • Paste in the TerraSnow instance gitlab webhook url: http://YOUR_TERRASNOW_INSTANCE/gitlab-webhook
    • Click the Add Webhook button to complete
  5. Kick off the ServiceNow catalog item build process by either manually triggering the webhook or incrementing the project’s version tag: git tag -a v0.0.1 -m 'test' && git push origin --tags
  6. The Terraform resource catalog item should now be available for order via the target ServiceNow instance.

Note: There is an issue with the ServiceNow catalog item OnLoad client scripts associating with their target variables (see the comments in the embedded client scripts for more details). Unfortunately, this is a manual step for now.

Deploying TF resources from ServiceNow

Navigate to the ServiceNow Catalog that was created in the installation steps and complete the catalog item request. On order, the workflow should be triggered and a workspace will be created on the target Terraform Enterprise instance.

Current workspace naming convention is the ServiceNow REQ sys_id but this may be updated in a future release